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Winning Through Marketing - Introduction to Marketing

finding leads marketing Jan 31, 2024
My Clean Pivot
Winning Through Marketing - Introduction to Marketing

Welcome to a new series called Winning Through Marketing. In the Ultimate Lead Guide, I break down how to find leads for schools, places of worship, government, office buildings, medical, and more. But what I don't explain in the lead series is what to do with those leads once you get them. This picks up where the Ultimate Lead Guide stops off.

Before we dive further, what is a lead? In the context of a cleaning service, a lead is any property that could use your services. 

So, you've got the lead/prospect. What now? How will they know about your business? How will they know they even need your services? Why should they do business with you only, instead of your competitor? You have to market to them. 

What is marketing? I like to use marketer Seth Godin's words: "Marketing is the generous act of helping someone solve a problem. Their problemMarketing helps others become who they seek to become." Seth also says ,The other kind of marketing, the effective kind, is about understanding our customer’s world view and desires so we can connect with them.

If you do more marketing, you'll get more walkthroughs. And if you have more walkthroughs, you'll deliver more proposals. If you deliver more proposals, you'll win more clients. More clients = more $$$$.

This Winning Through Marketing series aims to show you how to work your magic through marketing and advertising to get those leads to not only know you and your brand, but to eventually get to a "yes" in buying from you.

Subsequent posts in this series will cover those marketing tactics I've personally used to pull in 7-figures into our business. I'll cover marketing channels like sales letters, email marketing, SEO, phone calls, networking, and so much more. These are tools in your toolbag and I'll dive into each and show how you can win more business. 

Be sure to check out...

Cold calling
Email marketing
Sales Letters
Social Media Marketing
Door to Door

Social Media Strategies Deep Dive:





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